【编者按】2011年外销员资格考试报名正在全国各地陆续开始,为使考生更好的备考威廉希尔app 特整理推出2011年外销员考试外贸英语练习题供大家学习。
①The WTO brings stability and predictability to international trade/ because its rules are legally binding. ②So too are the schedules of market-access commitments in goods and services (that each WTO Member negotiates). These set clear ceilings on levels of protection. This encourages trade because it allows exporters to develop and grow their businesses. They have full knowledge of the terms of access and can act and invest with confidence knowing that markets (which are opened will remain open).
The vast majority of international trade goes on smoothly and without dispute. ③There are, however, rare occasions when a Member may consider that one or more Members are not in compliance with their WTO commitments / and that this has negatively affected its national consumer or producers. It is then that the affected Members have the option of using the WTO’s dispute settlement system.
(1)market-access commitments 市场准入承诺
(2)ceiling:此处为“最大限度,最高限额”之意。例如:price ceiling (最高价),tariff ceiling (关税最高额)。 To set (fix, put) a ceiling on sth: 对…….规定最高限度
(3)the WTO’s dispute settlement system 指“世界贸易组织解决争端机制”,另一英语表述是dispute settlement mechanism, 经常大写首字母。汉语译文也有“争端解决机制”的说法。