





Conversation One

Mike: The summer holidays are coming. (1)_______________________

Tom: I’m going to SanYa.

Mike: Fantastic! (2) _______________________

Tom: Sure. I like swimming a lot. (3) _______________________

Mike: I’m going to Beijing to climb the Great Wall.

Tom: Wow! That must be very fun! (4) _______________________

Mike: About five days.

Tom: (5) _______________________

Mike: My parents.

Tom: Wish you a good trip.

Mike: You too .

Conversation Two

A: Hello. Is that Uncle Sam’s Restaurant ?

B: Yes. (1)_______________________

A: I want to know if you send take-away food..

B: Sure.

A: I’d like to order for dinner.

B: (2) _______________________

A: I’d like to have beef with potatoes and a hamburger.

B: Ok. (3) _______________________

A: No thanks. Please tell to me how I can pay for you?

B: (4) _______________________.By the way, what time do expect your dinner ?

A: About 6:00 pm.

B: Could you please leave your address ?

A: Oh, yes. (5) _______________________

B: Thanks you. See you then.

A. What would you like to have ? B. What can I do for you, Madam ?

C. Anything else ? D. How much would you like ?

E. Room 101 in Green Building. F. You can pay us when your food is sent.

G. Is that all ?

Conversation Three

A: It’s Saturday tomorrow. (1)_______________________

B:I will watch a volleyball match. It’s between China and Japan.

A: Wow, wonderful ! I’m sure China will beat Japan. (2)_______________________

B: At 9:00 in the morning. I have two tickets here. (3) _______________________

A: I’d love to, but I can’t. because we’ll have a basketball match tomorrow morning.

B: What a pity ! (4) _______________________

A: A team from Yu Cai Middle School.

B: (5) _______________________

A: On my school playground.

B: Good luck to you and your team !

A: Thanks a lot.

A. Would you like to go with me ?

B. When will it begin ?

C. Who will you play against ?

D. What do you think of it ?

E. Where will you play ?

F. What will you do ?

G. You may go with me ?

Conversation Four xkb 1.co m

A: Hello, Judy! (1)_______________________

B: Oh, hello, Mary! I haven’t seen you since you leave our company.

A: Yes, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Well, how’s it going.

B: (2)_______________________ How about you ?

A: Not bad, thank you.

B: Is it true that you have got a new job ?

A: Yes, (3)_______________________

B: Then how do you like your new boss ?

A: She is generous, (4)_______________________

B: Really ? (5)_______________________

A: Oh, she’s never enjoy a joke. She never laughs. It’s hard even to see her smile.

B: Ha ha… A strange boss !

A. Why?

B. Nice to see you again.

C. I got it just two weeks ago.

D. You don’t stand her ?

E. How are you ?

F. but I wish she’d learn to smile more.

G. Quite well.

Conversation Five

A: Excuse me. I’m a reporter from CCTV. Can I ask you some questions ?

B: Sure, please.

A: (1)_______________________

B: Yes. She said that they were hard-working and she loved them very much.

A: (2)_______________________

B: She said the school was 2000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick.

A: (3)_______________________

B: She said most of their families were poor and they didn’t have enough money for education.

A: (4)_______________________

B: She said she couldn’t do anything about that, but she could open their eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.

A: (5)_______________________

B: Yes, she liked it very much. She said when her year was over, she would return to the area after finishing her studies.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

A. Did you enjoy your work here?

B. Did Yang Lei like her students?

C. What did she do to help them?

D. Do you like your students?

E. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer teacher?

F. What did she about the children there?

G. How did she feel when she firt got to the school?


Conversation One : B E G D F

Conversation Two: B A C F E

Conversation Three : F B A C E

Conversation Four : B G C F A

Conversation Five: B G F C E



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