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8. sothat +从句: 以便于;目的是

I study hard so that I can get good grades.

9.surprise n. 惊奇

surprised adj. 感到惊奇的(指人)

surprising adj. 令人惊奇的(指物)

be surprised at sth.“惊奇于某事”

to one’ssurprise “令某人惊奇的是”

① I’m surprisedat the surprising news. 我对这个令人惊讶的消息感到很吃惊。

② To my surprise, he left withoutleaving a word. 令我惊奇的是,他一声不响地离开了。

10.look forward to (介词)+名/代/V-ing

I look forward to your reply. 我期待你的答复。

I look forward to seeing you again.

11.hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信。

I heard from my friends yesterday.=I got aletter from my friend yesterday.

12.the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好方式

Exercising is the best way to keep healthy.

13.how to do that. “该怎么做”,疑问词+to do sth常用来做宾语

I don’tknow how to make a banana milk shake.

I don’tknow what to do.

14.at the end of “在…末尾”

Now, it is at the end of 2014.

反义短语:at the beginning of “ 在…开始”

15.be glad/happy/sad to do sth.“很高兴/难过做某事

I am glad to see you.

16.reply to sb./sth.“回复…”

Reply in writing to the invitation “以写信形式回复这份邀请函”


一. 表示邀请的句型

1. Can/Could you…(come to my party)?

2. Would you like to..( Would youlike to my party)?

接受:Sure/Yes/Of course, I’d love/like to.

拒绝::① I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to/must+V原 (陈述理由 )

② I’d love/liketo, but I … (理由)

3.I’mafraid not. I…(理由)

二. must与have to

1. must 表示主观“必须”;must 表示“主观上的要求”,无人称和时态的变化,否定回答: needn’t 或 don't have to (不必)。mustn’t 表示“禁止”.

2. have to表客观需要,有人称和时态变化,否: don’t / doesn’t /didn’t have to (没必要)

—Must I be home before eight o’clock? 8点之前我必须回家吗?

—Yes, you must. / No, you needn't. / No,you don't have to.


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