学生们在享受假期的同时,也要面对一件重要的事情那就是学习。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了英语阅读理解专项训练题,希望对大家有所帮助。
Nasreddin(纳斯雷金) was sitting by a window in his house one day in the middle of winter when he heard women crying outside. He put his head out of the window and saw a lot of people coming towards his house. They were crying a dead man, and he women were going, “ Oh, why are you leaving us to go to a place without light and without a fire and without food? It will be dark there and you will be cold and hungry. Nobody will look after you. Nobody will be kind to you and nobody will love you there! ”“ My god! ” said Nasreddin to his wife. “ They are talking about our house. They are bringing the dead man here! Quick! Lock the door! Don't let him in.”
51.The story happened in ________.
A. January B. February C. December D. November
2.Nasreddin put his head out of the window and saw _____.
A. a lot of women crying
B. a lot of people walking in the street
C. many people crying
D. many people with a dead man coming towards his house
3.The women were crying because ________.
A. their father diez? B. their father left them
C. a man that was cried by many people died
D. Nasreddin saw them
4.Nasreddin was ______.
A. very rich B. very poor?C. alone D. living a happy life
5.Nasreddin told his wife to lock the door because _______.
A. it was very cold in his house
B. he was afraid of those crying women
C. he wanted to go to bed
D. he was afraid those people would bring the dead man to his house
解析 1.在中国 , 习惯上把 11月至次年的1月称之为冬季 , 文章中的 in the middle of winter,故此题答案为C。
2.根据上下文 , 如 :“ He put his head out of the window and saw a lot of people coming towards his house. They were crying a dead man.”故此答案为D。
4.从文中 “ Why are you leaving us to go to a place without light and without a fire and without food? ” 上文一句 “ ...a lot of people coming towards his house. ” 由此推断答案应为 B。
5.文章最后一句 “ They are talking about our house. They are bringing the dead man here!”所以说Nasreddin害怕的是人们把这个死人拍到他家里来。故此答案为D。
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