In England, afternoon tea is the most informal (非正式) meal of a day. It is taken between four and five. If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea at any time. Very often it is not taken at a table. The members of the family and visitors take the tea in the sitting room. Each person has a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹) and a small plate for bread and butter (黄油) and cakes. By the way, do not help yourself to cakes first, bread and butter first, and then cake. Do remember: Though you can eat as much as you want, do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time.
( ) 6. In England, afternoon tea is usually taken .
A. between breakfast and lunch B. in the middle of a day
C. early in the afternoon D late in the afternoon
( ) 7. A real English afternoon tea has .
A. tea only B. both tea and food
C. tea, food and vegetables D. the same things as other meals
( ) 8. If you want to have afternoon tea in a friend's home, .
A. you must send a message before you go
B. you must take food with you
C. you must go only when he asks you to
D. you may put only one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time
( ) 9. Help yourself to .
A. cakes first B. bread and butter first
C. either bread first or cake first D. only one piece of bread or cakes .
( )10. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. People don't use the same spoon for afternoon tea.
B. Afternoon tea is often taken in the sitting room.
C. For afternoon tea, people use cups only.
D. Afternoon tea is often taken with bread and cakes.
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