


这篇关于2014初中英语阅读,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

阅读理解  (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土壤). Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter(粪) from animals also falls on it.

All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥) are also very useful. The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year; it’s better to have a d ifferent crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.

(      )46. Which of the following is true?

A. All our food comes from the soil.

B .All our food comes from animals.

C. Most of our food comes from the soil.

D.None of our food comes from the soil.

(      )47. What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph (段落)?

A.There would be no animals without meat.

B.There would be no plants without animals.

C.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.

D.People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.

(      )48. Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A. Chemical fertilizers.    B. Animals’ waste.

C.. Plants and grass     D. Different crops.

(      )49. Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A.Because we do this as a habit(习惯).

B.Because we don’t have enough land.

C.Because w can keep the soil rich this way

D.Because we want to have a different food.

(      )50. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Soil and Waste           B. Plants and Animals

C. Food and Waste     D. Soil and Food





Final reductions on a large range of ladies’, men’s and children’s fashions, plus furniture.






Fri.& Sat. Bargains galore

was     now

Ground floor

Men’s football shirts         $29.99   $14.99

Men’s wool sweaters         $34.49   $16.99

First floor

Ladies’ cotton skirts          $19.99   $9.99

Ladies’ silk blouses          $49.99   $24.99

Second floor

Children’s jeans             $24.99   $12.49

Children’s T—shirts          $5.99    $2.99

Third floor

Men’ suits                $260.00  $130.00

Ladies’ leather jackets       $200.00  $99.99

Fourth floor

Sofas                    $400.00  $200,00

Dining tables              $350.00  $175.00

(      ) 51. How many floors does the store have?

A. Five.   B. Six.   C. Four.   D. Three.

(      ) 52. How many hours does the store stay open on Tuesday?

A. Six hours.      B. Seven hours.

C. Seven hours and a half.       D. Eight hours and a half.

(      ) 53. Which are the most expensive clothes in the store?

A. Men’ s football shirts.    B. Ladies’ silk blouses.

C. Men’s suits.         D. Ladies’ leather jackets.

(      ) 54. If you want to buy a dining table, on which floor can you but one?

A. Ground floor.   B. Second floor. C. Third floor.  D. Fourth floor.

(      ) 55. Mr Black works until 7:30p.m. every day. When can he buy suits?

A. On Monday.     B. On Tuesday. C. On Thursday. D. On Friday.


Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping! The Internet is part of the way we live today. It's easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem(猫) which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web (That's the "www" you always hear about). The Web(网) has large numbers of websites(网站) in it. They are the places you go to get information and do things,

Where do these websites come from? They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture? You are sent to another page. It's all because o f the web designer. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming language.

Is Web design all about computer programming? No. It's about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of Web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.

(      ) 56. This passage is mainly about          。

A. the web designers' work

B. the website manager's work

C. the way to get onto the Internet

D. computer programming language

(      ) 57. More and more people are using the Internet because it's       。

A. easy and useful               B. beautiful and funny

C. colorful and hopeful           D. changing and growing

(      ) 58. It's possible for us to change websites by just a click because of          。

A. the modem's help              B. the telephone line's help

C. the web designers' work        D. the website manager's work

(      ) 59. Which of the following is wrong?

A. "www" means "World Wide Web".

B. There're a few websites on the web.

C. The Internet has changed people's lives.

D. We can do things like shopping on the Internet.

(      ) 60. The web designers do a lot of work except           。

A. writing things on the Internet

B. following the manager's ideas

C. doing the computer programming

D. making the websites new and beautiful

这篇关于2014初中英语阅读,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


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