


要想学好英语,就必须学好阅读,鉴于此,小编为大家整理了这篇初中英语阅读理解题—一半聪明一半傻  ,希望对您以后在英语方面的学习上有所帮助。

Nasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went tomarket.At midday it was very hot,so he stopped in the shade of a bigtree.There were several other men there, and all of them had donkeys ofgrapes too.After their lunch they went to sleep. After some time,Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other men's baskets and toput them in his.

Suddenly one of the men woke up and saw him."What are you doing? "hesaid angrily.

"Oh,"said Nasreddin,"don't worry about me.I am half mad, and I do alot of strange things."

"Oh,really?"said the other man."Then why don't you sometimes take grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody else's baskets?"

"You did not understand me,"said Nasreddin.I said that I was half mad, not quite mad."

Multiple choice

( )1.Nasreddin went to market_______.

A. to sell his donkey B. to buy something

C. to sell his grapes D. to find a job

( ) 2. Nasreddin stopped______.

A.under a big tree B.near a big tree

C.around a big tree D.in a big tree

( )3.As Nasreddin was taking away the other men's grapes one

of the men_______.

A.pretended not to see him B. saw him and got angry

C.woke his fellows up D.came at him

( )4.Nasreddin said that he did a lot of strange things because_______.

A.he was clever B. he was quite mad

C.he was foolish D.he was half mad

( )5.In this story Nasreddin was ______.

A.a selfish man B.a strange man C.a friendly man D.a foolish man

以上就是小编为您整理的初中英语阅读理解题—一半聪明一半傻  的全部内容,希望您在阅读了这篇文章后英语成绩有所提高。





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