Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example. She does not like newspapers very much
Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants, too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper?
Scientists say, "All food comes in some way from plants." Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants, then bigger fish swim along and eat the ……Chickens eat bits of grass and give us…… Think for a minute. What food does not come from plants in some way?
Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. It is very good food, too. Now they have begun to say, "We make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is-food from paper. Scientists say, "We can turn paper into food. It will be good, cheap food, too, cheaper than meat or fish or eggs."
So please keep your old books and letters. (Don't feed [喂] your cat.) One day, they will be on your plate, if what scientists say may come true.
1. The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because _______.
A. they are useful for reading
B. They may be used to feed cats
C. We can make food from them soon
D. we can read them at breakfast
2. From the passage (段落), we can infer(推断) that _______ do not come from plants in some way.
A. few kinds of food B. meat and fish
C. cheese and chicken D. wood and paper
2.A.文中有这样的句子"What food does not come from plants in some way?"。说明作者认为,不管是什么样的食物,几乎都来自"plants",所以答案是A。
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