Dear Zhang Qian,
Thank you very much for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument. Now I can tell you. Swimming is my favorite sport, and I like volleyball, basketball and ping-pong, Zhang Yining is my favorite player. I am good at playing chess, too. My favorite instrument is the violin. I like to play the violin every weekend. What about you? What's your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin? Who's your favorite player? And who is your favorite musician? Please tell me. Yours,
Li Bing
( ) 1. This letter is from Zhang Yining.
( ) 2. Zhang Qian wants to know Li Bing's favorite sport and player.
( ) 3. Zhang Qian likes swimming best.
( ) 4. Li Bing plays the violin on weekends.
( ) 5. Li Bing can swim very well, but she can't play chess.
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