It's not a job, it's a passion初中英语阅读专题



同学们,人生不拼不精彩,缺乏竞争和考试的人生是不完整的!考场就是一个战场,也是一个你展示才华的舞台。一次考试只是人生中的一小步,快来一起做It's not a job, it's a passion初中英语阅读专题,精品小编和你一起走好无数个这样的一小步,到达理想的彼岸!

WHEN Liu Xiang won the 110-meter hurdles (跨栏) at the Athens Olympics in 2004, he did it in a world record-tying time of 12.91 seconds. At that time, the world thought that Asians (亚洲人) couldn't run.

Shocked (震惊地), a Greek TV reporter said: "In first place, it's ... it's a Chinese man…He is Mr Liu. Congratulations to Mr Liu from China!"

The 24-year-old Liu has become a symbol (标志) of China's national pride. He appears in many ads. He is in a textbook for students in Shanghai. Liu was even allowed to become a PhD (博士) student at a Shanghai university without taking an exam.

In every race, the Chinese people want him to break a record. He is one of our nation's great hopes for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

That's why when Liu doesn't get gold people are disappointed (失望的).

"You can't win every race. It needs the right atmosphere (气氛), a good track (跑道) and the right competitors. Most importantly, you need to be on your best form," said Liu.

He said this after setting a new world record in an international competition in Switzerland (瑞士) in July 2006. Liu won the race in 12.88 seconds.

In 2006 Liu did a good job. He becomes No 1 with the International Association of Athletics Federations (体育联盟国际协会) for the men's 110-meter hurdles.

"I'm nobody special," said the 1.88-meter-tall hurdler. He trains five to six days a week. In his spare time, Liu plays online video games and enjoys karaoke. He says he has little time to think of having a girlfriend. "I don't watch many movies either," he added.

"For some, running is just a job," Liu said. "But for me, it's everything."


Your turn: writing

由威廉希尔app 独家专供It's not a job, it's a passion初中英语阅读专题,望各位考生可以从中获得帮助,预祝大家取得好成绩~~






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