同学们,人生不拼不精彩,缺乏竞争和考试的人生是不完整的!考场就是一个战场,也是一个你展示才华的舞台。一次考试只是人生中的一小步,快来一起做Born dancer初中英语阅读专题,精品小编和你一起走好无数个这样的一小步,到达理想的彼岸!
HAN Geng is a member of the popular boy band (乐队) Super Junior in South Korea. The band has 12 members. He is the only Chinese.
Han grew up in Heilongjiang Province. When he was 13, he went to Beijing on his own to learn how to dance. In 2001, a Korean music company discovered (发掘) him. After that, he spent three years in South Korea receiving lessons in singing, dancing and acting.
When he got to Korea, he didn't speak any Korean. He worked very hard to learn it. He wrote the words on small pieces of paper and stuck (粘贴) them on his walls. "Every night I read and tried to remember some words before I went to bed," he said.
Now he can not only speak Korean but also sing in Korean.
Han says that he was born for the stage (舞台). "When I'm on stage, there's nothing on my mind. I just go with the flow of the music," he said.
Unlike on stage, the young man is very quiet in life. He likes to do things alone – reading, listening to music and watching thrillers. He hopes someday he can star in an action movie, and be like his idol (偶像) Andy Lau (刘德华).
Han Geng fact file
Name: Han Geng
Birthday: February 9, 1984
Birthplace: Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang
Height: 181cm
Weight: 66kg
Favorite color: black
Hobbies: martial arts (武术), dancing
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