英语阅读:Nadal can still do it



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Rafael Nadal bites his trophy after winning the final of the Monte Carlo Master. REUTERS

IN some ways Rafael Nadal is very unlucky. True, the Spaniard (西班牙人) is the world’s No 2 tennis player. He has won the French Open three times. He has also earned over $15 million. Yet world No 1 Roger Federer has overshadowed (使…失色) his career (职业生涯).

In the Kingdom of Tennis, Federer lives in a palace with grass and a big car park. Nadal lives in a smaller house built of clay (红土). Both men prefer to stay at home rather than play on the other man’s ground. Nadal, the King of Clay, has lost to Federer on grass in two Wimbledon finals. Federer has lost to Nadal on clay in two French Open finals. When they play in Federer’s car park on concrete (硬地), like the US and Australian Opens, the Swiss man usually wins. He has seven Grand Slams on hard courts, while Nadal has none.

However, Nadal has won 98 out of his last 99 matches on clay. His most recent win came on April 20. He again beat Federer on clay in the Monte Carlo Masters. His loss to Federer in 2007 is the only flaw (瑕疵) in his clay court record.

Nadal won his first professional tennis match when he was just 15. He seems to have been around for ages, but is still only 21 while Federer is 26. Nadal is a superb athlete. He has the focus needed by a truly great tennis player.

Will Nadal be a challenge to Federer? Whatever happens, tennis fans should be thankful. They have a chance to see two such well-matched players in action at the same time.

小编为大家整理的英语阅读:Nadal can still do it就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。


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