同学们是不是还在为英语成绩的提高而烦恼呢?记得要在平时加强练习。小编为大家整理了英语阅读练习:All change,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助。
THE warm sunshine and soft winds mean spring is here again. But spring is also a season for fashion. Let’s take a look at some fashionable new clothes. They may help you freshen up for when you hang out with your friends on the weekend.
Smocked tops (罩衫)
For spring, choose smocked tops with soft, flowing lines. Go for bright colors or flower prints. Wear white pants to match. White pants will balance out the bright top (上衣).
Cardigans (开襟羊毛衫)
They are a must-have for girls this spring. They will also help you to keep warm. They make a great layer (层次) for over your favorite top. Cardigans are easy on-and-off items that can turn summer dresses into spring dresses.
Colored jeans are one of the top trends of recent years. But make sure you wear them with a top in a muted (柔和的) color. Pale yellow and beige-colored (米色) tops would both look great.
Flat-heeled shoes
Ballet flats continue to be a favorite foot fashion for girls. They are very comfortable. You can wear them to the mall or to the park. A candy-colored pair would make you look fresh.
To add a touch of sweetness to your look, carry a candy-colored bag. Both leather (皮制的) and cotton materials look good.
以上就是为大家整理的英语阅读练习:All change,希望同学们阅读后会对自己有所帮助,祝大家阅读愉快。
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