同学们是不是还在为英语成绩的提高而烦恼呢?记得要在平时加强练习。小编为大家整理了阅读练习:Jolin sings in English,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助。
Jolin Tsai is going to release her English album and book to her fans.
TAIWAN's singer Jolin Tsai is famous for her songs and dances. But did you know that she's also good at English? She's going to release her English album and book to her fans. Teens reporter Xu Weiwei interviewed her recently.
Q: Why did you make the English album, Love Exercise (《爱的练习语》)?
A: I want to share nice English songs with everyone else. It's a remake of 10 classic songs, but I interpret them in my own way. You can listen to songs such as Get the Party Started and Kiss Me.
I found that people can learn language when they are relaxed. For example, I learn Cantonese (广东话) very quickly when I watch Hong Kong soap operas. I hope the fans can learn English with my songs.
Q: You will also release an English book at the same time. What's that about?
A: It's my third English book. In this one, I want to talk about the expressions for love that are in my English songs. They'll know how to put the sweetness and regrets of love into English words. Besides, I will also talk about the troubles of being a public person.
Q: The Beijing Olympics is coming this August. How will you take part in the great event?
A: I'll come to watch some of my favorite events including badminton and volleyball in Beijing.
Actually, I wish to compete in the games myself to win glory for our country. If I had the chance, I wanted to bring my talent of gymnastics (体操) into play. I also would like to have a try at volleyball. I played when I was on the school team.
小编为大家整理的阅读练习:Jolin sings in English就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。
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