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WORDS can't explain how much her fans love Li Yuchun. When they hear her sing, they want to dance on their seats.
Last weekend, the 23-year-old held a solo (个人的) concert in her hometown, Chengdu. It is part of the promotion tour for Mine (《我的》), her second album. It was released on October 20. The next stop is Hangzhou in December.
How does Li get her on-stage charm? " I've always wanted to show my best side," Li said. "That's it."
As a child, Li said she overheard her mother say she would have preferred a son. It was only a joke, but she took it seriously. She threw away all her skirts and began to dress like a boy. That became her style.
In 2005, Li won the Super Girl contest and become famous. But her success didn't come overnight. Li gave her first solo concert in middle school. She says she often practiced singing in front of a mirror.
Although she has millions of fans all over China, she keeps a cool head. "I hope I can keep improving," she said. She plans to leave the stage for a while to study abroad early next year.
Name: Li Yuchun
English Name: Chris
Birthday: 3/10/1984
Height: 174cm
Hobbies: singing,
dancing, sleeping
威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语阅读Li keeps a cool head就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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