初中英语阅读The iceman comes



同学们是不是还在为英语成绩的提高而烦恼呢?记得要在平时加强练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中英语阅读The iceman comes,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助。

KIMI Raikkonen was the surprise winner of the Formula 1 (方程式赛车) world championship last week. It is the first time he has won the event.

Many people expected Lewis Hamilton or Fernando Alonso of McLaren (麦凯伦) to take the title in Brazil. But it was Raikkonen of the Ferrari (法拉利) team who won the last race.

Raikkonen always believed he could win. "We were not in the strongest position early in the season. But we believed we could recover. We always believed we could do a better job than the others."

He keeps his cool under pressure and drives with a blend (混和) of speed and control. He also brakes later than most other drivers.

These factors and his bright blue eyes have earned him the nickname "Iceman".

The 28-year-old Finn started F1 racing in 2001 after racing karts (卡丁车) as a teenager and young man.

Now, Raikkonen is a superstar in Finland.

He is unlike other racing drivers. He shows very little emotion, even when he wins a race. But people like him because he always tries his best.

He's a very relaxed man. He enjoys a beer with old friends. That's as important to him as winning grand prix races.

"I live my life the way I want," he says. Now, other F1 drivers have to accept that Raikkonen is the one to beat.

本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语阅读The iceman comes,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。


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