


2014年初中英语完形填空由威廉希尔app 为您提供的,祝您学习愉快!

On a cold December morning, my mother and I were walking home from pizza store. We were 35 warmly and equipped with the video we had been trying to watch. I was feeling a little tired 36 I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the video.

They were so 37 that I decided to throw away some of them. So I started to walk towards the dustbin when I noticed a poor man stepping out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He 38 over to another nearby dustbin and started looking 39 it.

I suddenly felt very upset. I know this man would take all he could get, so I walked up to him and 40 the drink and some snacks to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles(皱纹) on his forehead, looked up in 41 and took what I gave him.

A huge smile spread across his face and this made 42 feel indescribable satisfaction(满意). I felt like I couldn’t be happier with myself, but then he said, “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some tasty food, this is my daughter’s 43 day!”

He thanked me happily and started off on his bike. I even heard him whistling(吹哨) a song as he 44 away.

I now understand what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can 45 help and everyone will be helped by something kind.

The image(图像) of that man’s happiness 46 by my small gift appears in my mind every time I have the chance to do something nice.

35. A. welcomed B. dressed C. invited D. served

36. A. because B. when C. although D. after

37. A. dry B. dirty C. heavy D. salty

38. A. jumped B. climbed C. fell D. headed

39. A. through B. around C. for D. over

40. A. showed B. threw C. returned D. handed

41. A. sight B. danger C. surprise D. trouble

42. A. him B. me C. us D. them

43. A. busy B. boring C. terrible D. lucky

44. A. walked B. rode C. ran D. flew

45. A. offer B. receive C. refuse D. share

46. A. drawn B. led C. caused D. taken

完成了小学阶段的学习,进入紧张的初中阶段。这篇是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,欢迎阅读!



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