


由威廉希尔app 初中频道为您提供的提高英语听力的七个建议:初中年级,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,希望给您带来帮助!

Tip 1:

If you don't understand something right away, don't give up. Keep listening. The speaker might say something later that will help you understand the main idea.

Tip 2:

Listen for key words. Key words are stressed. They are louder, longer, and higher pitched than other words. These are the words that the speaker thinks are most important in a sentence. For example, notice the stress and intonation in this dialogue: A: I went to the store. B: Which store?

Tip 3:

Think about the situation and ask yourself these questions: Who is speaking? What is the relationship between the speakers? What are they talking about? Where are they? How do they feel?

Tip 4:

Pay attention to body language, gestures, and facial expressions. This may give you a better idea about what someone is saying.

Tip 5:

Listen with a specific purpose in mind. Ask yourself what you are listening for. Are you listening for general understanding of the whole lecture or conversation? Or are you listening for specific information?

Tip 6:

Think about the speaker's attitudes or feelings. Is the speaker certain, uncertain, angry, happy, serious, joking? The tone of can help you understand someone's feelings on a topic.

Tip 7:

Check your understanding by asking the speaker questions. For example, use expressions like Could you repeat that? and I'm sorry, I didn't catch that when you want the speaker to repeat something.

通过对提高英语听力的七个建议:初中年级的学习,是否已经掌握了本文知识点,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app !





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