1.why do the two speakers want to go to a bar?
a.because they don’t want to be caught in the rain.
b.because they want to have a drink.
c.because they want to meet another friend.
2.how long will the man have to wait before the plane takes off at the airport?
a.105 minutes. b.80 minutes. c.75 minutes.
3.what is the woman going to buy?
a.pants suit. b.a blouse. c.a coat.
4.what can we learn from this conversation?
a.michael is playing in the garden.
b.sally is playing in the garden.
c.sally is not present here.
5.what kind of coffee does the man prefer?
a. white coffee without sugar.
b.coffee with sugar.
c.coffee without milk or sugar.
6.for which day did the man book a room finally?
a. april 22nd. b. april 21 st. c. april 23rd.
7.how much will the man pay for the room?
a. 100 dollars. b.99 dollars. c.108 dollars.
8.why doesn’t the man book the seats downstairs?
a. it’s too expensive. b. it’s too crowded. c. it’s too far.
9.when does the man plan to see the performance?
a. next saturday. b. on october 21 st. c. on october 25th.
10.how much does each upstairs ticket cost?
11.what is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
a.teacher and student.
c.saleswoman and customer.
12.where does tom brown work now?
a.the spanish department.
b.the jones at french company.
c.the national l bank.
13.which language do you think kathy smith teaches now?
a. german. b. spanish. c. french.
14.where does the conversation take place?
a. in a bank.
b.at an airport ticket office.
c.at a police station.
15.where was the woman’s money probably stolen?
a.near the bank.
b.on the moving stair from the underground.
c.around the police station.
16.what’s the woman doing in the city?
a.doing a business.
b.paying a visit.
c.having lessons.
17.what was children’s education like in the past?
a.children liked to sit in the classroom for hours.
b.children had to go on repeating things until they could learn them by heart.
c.children could think and learn by themselves.
18.what do we learn from the passage?
a.children today like staying in school.
b.some children today hate to get out of the classroom when the teachers ask them to.
c.something should be done to encourage children to learn by themselves.
19.why can’t some of the children find jobs?
a.they are too young to do so.
b.their parents won’t allow them to do so.
c.the teachers won’t help them do so.
20.what do many teachers consider?
a.wondering if they can make children learn.
b.wondering if children can learn by themselves.
c.wondering what they should do to help children learn.
children's education is changing very 17 today. in the past, children were made to 18 for hours. they were made to 19 all sorts of things. in other words, children had to go on repeating things until they knew them by heart. today children should be encouraged to 20 things themselves.
以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语听力练习习题,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!
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