威廉希尔app 为您整理了初中年级英语听力:听力测试题4,希望和您一起探讨和学习英语!
( ) 6. A. Yes, I will. B. I'll see you then. C. Good idea.
( ) 7. A. At half past six. B. At 6:00 this morning. C. On Sunday morning.
( ) 8. A. Yes, I'm Peter. B. Hold on, please. C. Who are you?
( ) 9. A. Sorry, I'm new here. B. About ten minutes' walk. C. It's not City Park.
( )10.A. Good luck! B. Bad luck! C. Congratulations!
( )11. When will the film begin?
A. At 8:50. B. At 8:10. C. At 7:50.
( )12. Who is the tallest boy?
A. Jack. B. Bob. C. Jim
( )13. Where is Mary now?
A. She is on the way to Guangzhou.
B. She has left for Guangzhou.
C. She is in Guangzhou.
( )14. Who likes fruit best?
A. Kitty's friend. B. Alice and Ken. C. Kitty and Alice.
( )15. Does the man smoke now?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. Yes, he used to.
( )16. What's Uncle Wang?
A. Teacher. B. Doctor. C. Bookseller.
( )17. How does Uncle Wang often go to work ?
A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.
( )18. How long does it take him to get there on foot?
A. Forty minutes. B Twenty minutes. C. Thirty minutes.
( )19. What time does him often leave home by bike?
A. At 7:50. B. 8:10. C: 8:30.
( )20. What time does he usually get back home?
A. At 4:45. B. At 5:05. C. 5:30.
由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中年级英语听力:听力测试题4,感谢您阅读!
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