[00:00.00]Unit 4 I want to be an actor. SECTION A
[00:07.13]Activity 1b.Listen and number the people [1-3] in the picture above.
[01:00.13]Activity 2a.Listen and number the pictures[1-3] below. Activity 2a.Listen and number the pictures[1-3]below.
[02:02.04]Activity 2b.Listen again and fill in the chart.
[03:01.45]SECTION B Activity 2a.Listen to the conversation.
[03:12.34]What jobs do Betty,Jenny,and Sam want?
[03:17.83]Write the jobs below.
[04:10.51]Activity 2b.Listen again.
[04:15.19]Why are Betty,Jenny,and Sam interested in these jobs?
[04:20.88]Complete the chart above.
[05:14.28]Activity 3a.Read the newspaper want ads.
[05:20.97]Fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.
[05:25.04]1.WANTED:Do you like to work late?Do you like to work hard?
[05:34.84]Do you like to meet people?
[05:38.34]If your answer is"Yes" then we have a job for you as a _________.
[05:45.13]Call Al's Restaurant at 555-3937.
[05:51.92]SUMMER JOB:Do you like to talk with people?
[06:00.44]Do you like to write stories?Do you want to work for a magazine?
[06:06.13]Then come and work for us as a ___________.
[06:11.72]Please call Karen at 555-8823.
[06:18.62]HELP WANTED:Do you like to sing and dance?
[06:27.71]Do you like to work with other young people?
[06:31.81]Do you want to be in the school play?
[06:35.91]Do you like to work evenings and weekends?
[06:39.70]We need an_____ today!
[06:43.51]Call Frank at 555-2559.
[06:49.91]Activity 3b.Write words for the pictures in the newspaper want ad.
[06:59.92]WANTED:Do you want a__but exciting job?
[07:07.00]Do you want to work with actors,___and other interesting people?
[07:14.39]We need a ___Call the Evening____at 555-3256.
[07:25.68]Words and Expressions in Unit 4
[07:40.75]sales assistant
[08:04.62]police office
[08:14.81]bank clerk
[08:57.76]TV station
[09:03.35]police station
[09:17.61]go out
[09:40.60]want ad
[09:50.99]school play
更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力
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