


英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了人教版七年级下Unit6英语听力,欢迎大家阅读。

[00:00.00]Unit6 Where are the jazz CDS?SECTION A Activity 1b

[00:19.83]Listen and number the conversations[1-3]

[00:51.02]Activity 2b.Listen to the conversation and label the map of the CD store.

[01:42.64]SECTION B Activity 2a.Listen and write Mike's,

[01:56.82]Tara's,Jake's,and Judy's favorite kinds of music.

[03:03.25]Activity 2b.Listen again.Who are their favorite groups or singers?

[03:10.64]How do they describe them?Complete the chart.

[04:10.75]Activity 3a.Read the directions and draw a map of the All Ears music store.

[04:23.55]Go straight.Turn left at the classical music

[04:29.95]Go upstairs.Go straight,and turn right at the jazz music.

[04:36.56]Pop music is between jazz and dance.

[04:40.56]Go straight.Turn left at the classical music Go upstairs.

[04:47.35]Go straight.The country CDs are in front of the dance section.

[04:53.33]SELF CHECK 3.Look at the map and read the article.

[05:05.84]Match the pictures with the map.Welcome to the Culture Palace.

[05:12.63]We have western culture on the left,and eastern culture on the right.

[05:18.54]Section A is the Beijing Opera Palace.

[05:23.74]The Chinese Music Hall is in Section B.

[05:27.24]Section C is the Chinese Festivals Park,

[05:31.23]and there is an art palace in Section D.

[05:34.73]There you can see paintings by Qi Baishi,XuBeihong,and so on.

[05:40.53]You can also enjoy the western Part.

[05:43.75]You can listen to classical music in Section E.

[05:47.95]If you want to listen to jazz or pop music,

[05:51.84]please go to the Fantastic House, Back at the gate,

[05:57.54]you can visit the Western Painting Hall in Section G.

[06:01.64]G.Have fun in the Culture Palace!

[06:09.45]Words and Expressions in unit 6







[06:27.24]pop popular music






[06:44.04]in front of...





















[07:27.10]n.& adj.拉丁语(的)



















[08:04.60]and so on






威廉希尔app 为大家整理的人教版七年级下Unit6英语听力就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。




初中英语听力:Come to the party!

更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力


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