英语学习能力的提高一直是大家所烦恼的一个问题,只有不断练习才会有进步。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了人教版七年级下Unit8英语听力,希望大家阅读愉快。
[00:00.00]Unit 8 What is John Like?SECTION A
[00:12.54]Activity 1b.Listen and find Billy,Angela,and Jane.
[00:19.33]Number them in the pictures[1-3].
[01:05.33]Activity 2a.Listen and circle the words you hear.
[02:13.43]Activity 2b.Listen again.Draw lines to match the words in the chart above.
[03:24.93]SECTION B Activity 2a.Mary is an exchange student in Australia.
[03:35.14]Listen to her talk to a friend in Canada.
[03:38.64]What are Mary's friends like?Fill in the chart under "Personality."
[04:22.03]Activity 2b.Listen again.What do Mary's friends look like?
[04:28.04]Fill in the chart under"Appearance".
[05:09.73]Activity 3a.Read the letter and fill in Amy's application form.
[05:15.85]Dear Mr Ding,My name is Amy Johnson,
[05:20.63]and I want to be an exchange student in China.
[05:24.41]I'm sixteen years old.I'm from the U.S.,and I live in Los Angeles.
[05:31.00]I like reading and listening to music I am serious and shy.
[05:36.98]SELF CHECK Activity 3a.
[05:47.98]Here is some information about a new foreign teacher at your school.
[05:53.49]Fill in the table with the information about him.
[05:57.17]Mr Smith is a short man with long hair.He comes from America.
[06:03.65]He is fifty years old.He is very friendly to us.
[06:08.82]He often draws funny pictures on the blackboard.
[06:13.00]He is very smart.He often tells interesting stories to the class
[06:18.80]He teaches English.He can speak a little Chinese,for example
[06:24.71]zaijian,xiexie wo yao yichuan bingtanghulu,and so on.
[06:32.52]Oh,I like him very much!Words and Expressions in unit 8
[07:38.32]exchange student
[07:43.10]the U.S the United State
[07:52.61]Los Angeles
本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的人教版七年级下Unit8英语听力,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。
更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力
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