英语学习能力的提高一直是大家所烦恼的一个问题,只有不断练习才会有进步。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中英语听力:The Swedish rock band,希望大家阅读愉快。
[00:00.00] unit10 The Swedish rock band
[00:29.52]The Swedish rock band,"Yesterday",is visiting China.
[00:35.32]They are going to give a concert in Kunming tonight.
[01:23.59]Erik,one of the singers in the band,is talking to LiWeiyin,
[01:30.36]a journalist from CCTV.
[02:15.31]Weiyin:Is this your first visit to China?
[02:21.17]Erik:No,we were here last year.
[02:53.82]Weiyin:How many singers are there in your band?
[02:58.26]Erik:There were four last year,but now there are only three.
[03:16.31]One of us left the band last month.
[03:31.07]Weiyin:Why do you call your band Yesterday?
[03:46.61]Erik:We call it Yesterday because we like old music.
[04:03.67]Weiyin:You're frome Sweden.Why do you sing in English?
[04:22.24]Erik:Most Swedish people can speak English.
[04:27.49]People in many countries can understand English songs.
[07:02.37]We call it yesterday because we like old music.
[07:23.04]We sing in English because most Swedish people can speak English
[07:29.88]and people in many countries can understand English songs.
[09:19.36]He finds it hard to travel around the big city because he does not know the way.
[09:42.50]Because he doesn't know the way,it is hard to travel around the big city.
威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语听力:The Swedish rock band就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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