初中英语听力:Come to the party!



【摘要】英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中英语听力:Come to the party!,欢迎大家阅读。

[00:00.00]Unit13 Come to the party!

[00:36.60]Ann:Hi,Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday.Can you come to my birthday party?

[01:03.45]Ann:Hi,Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday.Can you come to my birthday party?

[01:10.01]Kate:Oh,thanks very much.I'd love to.What time will it start?

[01:25.34]Ann:Half past four.Don't forget to tell Jim.I hope he will come,too.

[01:42.79]Kate:Ok.I'm sure he would love to come.

[01:53.87]Whose birthday party is it?

[02:05.34]Yes,it's Ann's birthday party.

[02:13.28]And Ann asked Kate and Jim to come to her birthday party.

[02:25.95]Ann:Hello,Breuce.What a beautiful day! Breuce:Yeah,it is.

[02:32.11]Ann:I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.

[02:37.15]Breuce:Party?What party?

[02:40.91]Ann:It's my birthday,and I'm going to have a party.Didn't you know?

[03:23.26]Breuce:No,I didn't.

[03:39.19]Ann:Oh,I'm sorry.I forgot to tell you.Would you like to come?

[04:04.43]Breuce:Sure.I would love to come.Thanks a lot.

[04:14.46]I hope... Can you come..Would you like to come...

[04:36.72]Thanks a lot for asking me to your party.I'd love to come.

[05:04.17]I'm very sorry,but I can't come.I'm afraid we're going to be in Shanghai that day

[05:37.01]I'm sorry to hear that.I hope you all have a good time.

[06:46.15]It was half past four.Everything was ready.

[06:53.70]All the food was on the table.

[06:58.74]The sandwiches were on the plates,and the candles were on the cake.

[07:05.09]Ann felt very happy.

[07:35.55]They were ready for the party when there was a bell.

[07:42.39]Ann ran to the door,and found Li Lei outside.

[08:11.05]"Happy birthday!"he said."Here's your present."

[08:30.59]"Oh,thank you!"said Ann."Look at the beautiful paper.

[08:37.25]Can I open it now,or later?"

[09:06.43]But there was no time to think.

[09:12.18]All Ann's other friends were now outside the door.They all said happy birthday to Ann

[09:19.62]and brought her many birthday presents.

[09:51.57]"What a great party!"said Ann.

[10:15.81]She really enjoyed it.

[10:19.36]She thanked her mother for her party and for her beautiful presents.

[10:54.13]Would you like to....?

[11:20.70]I hope you can....

[11:26.34]I hope you can come to the party.

[11:30.78]Thanks a lot for...

[11:43.06]I would love to....

[11:48.70]I'm sorry,but I can't....

[12:04.95]You're going to.

[12:15.22]Sure.I would love to.Thanks for asking me to your party.

[12:32.64]You can't go.

[12:38.80]I'd love to,but I can't because I'm going to work on the farm that day.

[12:54.24]May/could I speak to Ann,please?


[13:21.07]I'm afraid not.

[13:25.51]Can I open it now?

[13:33.06]Sure./No,you can't.

[13:40.51]go there by bike

[13:52.05]Could I go there by bike,please?

[13:59.31]take the book home

[14:07.86]Can I take the book home,please?

[14:17.10]Could I go there by bike,Please?

[14:23.56]Certainly.But be careful,please.

[14:36.83]Can I take the book home,please?

[14:43.80]No,I'm afraid not.


[15:36.28]Look at the woman She is laughing.

[15:45.53]She is laughing at something.

[15:52.61]laugh at...

[16:01.75] smile at...

总结:本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语听力:Come to the party!,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。


初中英语听力:I was not here yesterday

初中英语听力:Find the right place

更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力


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