【摘要】英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中英语听力:I was not here yesterday,欢迎大家阅读。
[00:00.00]Unit 8 I was not here yesterday
[01:26.60]Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
[02:25.95]Red days: Sunday Saturday
[03:05.39]What day is it today.
[03:15.06]Today is Friday.
[03:33.47]What day is it tomorrow.
[03:45.33]It is Saturday.
[03:51.26]Today is Friday.Tomorrow is Saturday.
[03:57.51]What day was it yesterday.
[04:05.86]It was Thursday.
[04:12.63]What day is it today.It's Friday.
[04:25.20]What day is it tomorrow.It is Saturday.
[04:30.45]What day was it yesterday.It was Thursday.
[05:12.79]today tomorrow yesterday
[05:52.34]Today is Friday,October the nineteenth.
[06:02.79]It is Friday.
[06:05.74]It is Saturday tomorrow.
[06:16.14]What day was it yesterday? It was Thursday.
[07:25.78]I'm a teacher.
[07:37.25]I was a teacher.
[07:55.01]It is fine today.
[08:01.46]It is sunny today.
[08:04.62]It was rainy.
[08:29.54]We are at school today.
[08:41.90]Yesterday we were on farm.
[09:01.47]am is are (was were)
[09:18.00]What day is it today? it is Friday.
[09:31.32]What day is it tomorrow? It is Saturday.
[09:35.87]What day was it yesterday? It was Thursday.
[10:14.14]Daily report:Good morning,everyone!I'm on duty today.
[10:26.99]Today is Monday,October the fifteenth.
[10:31.95]Everyone is here,but Jim's away.
[10:36.92]I think he's ill.
[10:40.44]I hope he's better tomorrow.Thank you.
[10:44.91]Daily report Good morning,everyone!
[10:52.17]I'm on duty today.
[10:58.23]Today is Monday,October the fifteenth.
[11:11.79]Everyone is here,but Jim's away.
[11:50.56]Jim is not here,but the others are here.
[11:56.12]I think he's ill.I hope he's better tomorrow.
[12:06.57]Thank you.
[12:33.50]Every one is here,but Jim is away.
[12:57.38]Jim is not here;the others are all here.
[13:29.59]A:Where's your composition,Lily?
[13:38.55]B:Sorry,Mr Wu.I was not here yesterday.
[14:01.40]A:Yes,I remember.You weren't here yesterday.
[14:15.28]Were you ill yesterday?
[14:25.93]B:Yes,I was a bit ill.
[14:34.19]was not weren't were was
[15:53.91]A:I'm sorry to hear that.I hope you're better now.
[16:22.78]B:Yes,I am.Thank you.
[16:27.25]A:You'd better finish your homework soon,and bring it next Monday.
[17:00.13]I'm sorry to hear that.
[17:03.76]I hope you're better now.
[17:07.21]You'd better bring
[17:16.07]I'm sorry to hear that.
[17:40.41]I hope you're better now.
[17:53.48]You'd better
[18:32.48]You'd better
总结:威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语听力:I was not here yesterday就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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