【摘要】英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中听力材料On the farm,欢迎大家阅读。
[00:00.00] Unit 4 On the farm
[00:24.40]A:Hi, Ji Wei! Wait! Let me walk with you.
[00:31.95]B:Hi,John. How are you? A:Fine, thanks.
[00:36.91]Why are you walking so sast?
[00:56.76]B:I have to get home to do my work.
[01:16.72]A:What do you have to do?
[01:25.79]B:Today I must feed the animals.
[02:33.10]fast John, Lily and Jill are walking fast .
[02:49.06]Lily is walking faster than Jill.
[03:02.33]John is walking the fastest.
[03:34.28]The jeep is going fast.
[03:39.74]The car is going faster.
[03:49.49]The motorbike is going the fastest.
[04:27.55]Ji wei lives on a farm.
[04:41.18]The farm is not big.
[04:54.03]His parents grow rice and wheat.
[05:06.99]They don't use animals to do farm work any more.
[05:30.45]Today they use a tractor
[05:57.69]The tractor works faster and better.
[06:17.52]After Ji Wei does his work in the fields,
[06:22.77]he likes to sit and look at the blue sky and the green hills.
[06:47.85]He thinks the country is more beautiful than the city.
[07:34.19]In the country he can hear birds singing and sheep bleating.
[08:14.34]John agrees with Ji Wei.
[08:18.18]John's family lives on a farm, too.
[08:33.52]John also likes the country better than the city.
[10:18.48]On tis farm, there is a small lake
[10:22.63]John often goes fishing there in summer,and skating there in winter.
[10:41.38]John likes to play with his dog,
[10:45.83]Coday is a very interesting dog. He likes to follow people .
[11:02.80]When they stop he stops,
[11:07.85]when they walk,he walks,
[11:17.41]John thinks Cody is the best dog of all.
[11:52.25]agree with...
[12:07.01]We all agree with him.
[12:20.08]Do you agree with John?
[12:31.12]They agree with each other.
[12:55.37]What are you going to do after you leave school?
[13:10.20]What are you going to do after you leave school?
[13:42.15]John wants to be a farmer, but he wants to go to college first.
[13:49.52]He wants to learn more about farming in college.
[13:56.28]He wants to learn how to get the most corn and wheat from each field.
总结:本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中听力材料On the farm,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。
更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力
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