【摘要】英语学习能力的提高一直是大家所烦恼的一个问题,只有不断练习才会有进步。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了听力材料What are we going to do,希望大家阅读愉快。
[00:00.00]Unit 2 What are we going to do?
[00:27.30]A:Next Friday we're going on our first field trip.
[00:33.54]B:Where are we going?
[00:37.80]C:What are we going go do?
[00:42.24]A:Let's discuss it.We must stay near our hometown.
[00:49.37]D:Of course.
[00:53.03]E:Why don't we go fishing at East Lake?
[02:54.99]F:Yeah,I like going fishing.
[03:00.64]I'm good at fishing,and East Lake has many different kinds of fish.
[03:40.89]C:I don't like fishing.Let's go boating on the river.
[03:51.16]F:Or maybe,let's go to the mountains.We can go hiking there.
[04:06.41]go fishing
[04:20.18]Let's go swimming.OK?Sam is going to go to Beijing tomorrow.
[04:27.94]How about going hiking?
[04:40.97]Why don't we go dancing?
[04:49.91]Why not go skating?
[05:26.27]Yeah,the mountains.That's going to be fun!
[05:44.53]A:I agree.Now let's discuss how we are going to get there...
[06:45.19]The students of Class 4,Grade 2 are going hiking on their field trip.
[06:53.23]They are going to hike to the top of a mountain.There,
[06:59.40]they are going to have a picnic.
[08:06.35]It often rains in spring.
[08:44.72]It is raining now.It is raining now.
[09:08.36]be going to do some thing
[09:27.93]They are going to play football.
[10:11.19]But they have some problems getting there.
[10:16.23]Jill often goes the wrong way.Katy wants to hike quickly.
[10:24.40]Li Mu has too many things in his bag.He can't carry it.
[11:16.75]have problems doing...have trouble doing...have fun doing...
[13:17.31]He has a lot of problems learning English.
[13:32.64]He has a lot of trouble learning English.
[13:42.99]Here,he has a lot of fun learning English.
[14:16.42]Ed says he's going to help him.
[14:25.88]Is Mr Li going to get his class to the top?
[14:54.15]She often does some shopping on Saturday.
[15:15.80]She's going to do some shopping next Saturday.What is she going to buy?
[15:43.15]I usually watch TV in the evening.
[16:00.52]But I am not going to watch TV this evening.
[16:21.08]What are you going to do then?
[16:32.76]They help the old woman clean her house sometimes.
[16:54.20]They are going to help her clean her house tomorrow.
[17:09.49]When are they going to help her clean her house?
[17:46.42]She is going to go to Wuhan next Saturday.
[18:12.99]She is going to Wuhan next Saturday.
[18:52.04]Where is she going?
[19:13.41]Jim's coming,too.
[19:42.04]Jim is going to come,too.
[19:46.27]Sam is going to Beijing tomorrow.
[20:00.82]Sam is going to go to Beijing tomorrow.
总结:小编为大家整理的听力材料What are we going to do就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。
更多精彩内容请点击: 2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 英语 > 初中英语听力
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