初中二年级上册听力lesson 22



【摘要】英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中二年级上册听力lesson 22,欢迎大家阅读。

[00:00.00]Lesson 22 The twenty-second lesson

[01:04.00]In London

[01:35.76]The man is asking a policewoman for help.

[01:59.93]Mr Zhang wants to go to different places,

[02:05.28]but he does not know the way.He needs some help.

[02:46.56]A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?

[03:38.83]Yes,there is.Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left

[03:52.70]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[03:58.45]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[04:20.41]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[04:35.96]Walk along take the second/first turning

[04:52.91]on the left/right.

[04:59.76]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[05:16.32]A:Thank you very much. A:You're welcome.

[05:38.68]the first turning the second turning

[05:55.21]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[06:06.89]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[06:20.53]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[06:30.09]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[06:40.14]POST OFFICE

[06:54.51]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the right.

[07:12.25]Walk along,and take the second turning on the left.

[07:25.31]The Police Station is right on the left.

[07:38.58]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[07:57.23]Then take the second turning on the right.

[08:57.10]A:Excuse me,Is there a police station near here?

[09:06.25]B:No,there isn't.The nearest is about 4 kilometres away.

[09:18.99]You'd better catch a bus.

[09:34.75]A:Which bus do I need,please?

[09:43.52]B:I think you need a No.16 bus.

[09:54.89]The bus stop is along that road on the left.

[10:06.64]You'd better catch/take a bus/taxi.

[10:45.80]The nearest is about 4 kilometres away.

[11:02.28]You'd better catch a bus.

[11:11.22]A:Which bus do I need,please.

[11:20.57]B:I think you need a No.16 bus.

[11:35.33]You'd better catch/take a bus/a train/a fast train/a ship/a taxi.

[12:07.38]Expressing needs

[12:21.83]He needs some help.

[12:35.77]You need a number 16 bus.

[12:47.32]Which number do I needs?

[13:00.30]What do you need? I need some help.

[13:10.94]I need some water.I need a pen.

[13:25.98]You need a number 26/1 bus

[13:42.20]Asking for directions

[13:49.26]Is there a station near here,Please?Where's the nearest hospital,please?

[14:11.23]Excuse me.Where's the number 3 middle school,please?

[14:30.58]Excuse me.Where's the number 1 middle school,please?

[14:38.24]Is there a park near here?

[14:48.97]Is there a washing house near here?

[15:04.25]Giving directions

[15:13.40]Go/Walk along this road.

[15:21.76]Take the first turning on the right.

[15:30.40]It's outside/next to /in front of the park.

[15:37.25]It's about a hundred metres along on the left.

[15:49.00]It's about six kilometres away.

[15:58.07]Mr Yang is in New York,he is studying English at a college.

[16:45.71]He finds it hard to travel around the big city because he does not know the way

[17:07.19]He always takes a map with him when he travels.

[17:20.04]But he can not find every place on the map because some place are too small

[17:41.22]He often asks policemen for help

[17:46.08]because most of them are friendly and they known the way very well.

[18:02.02]You'd better take a map with you when you go out.

[18:17.87]But you can not find every place on the map because some place are too small

[18:33.21]It's good to asks policemen for help

[18:47.58]Then the policemen will tell you how to get to the place you want to go.

[19:03.51]most of policemen are friendly and the known the way very well.

总结:威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中二年级上册听力lesson 22就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。


初中英语听力What are we going to do


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