1.问候: ⑴A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How do you do ?
Nice to meet you. B:回答相同 ⑵A:How are you? B:Fine, thank you.And you? Very
well,thank you.
2.介绍: ⑴This is Mr/Mrs/Miss...⑵ I'd like you to meet my parents.⑶ My name
is....I'm a student.
3.告别 A:Goodbye.See you later/tomorrow. Good night.
B:回答相同4.感谢和应答 表示感谢 通常回答
Thank you very much. Not at all. Thanks a lot. That's OK. Many thanks. That's
all right.
Thanks for helping me. You're welcome.
⑴A:Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice/good time/journey.
Congratulations! B:Thank you.
⑵A:Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! B:The same to you.
⑶A:Happy birthday to you. B:Thank you.
6.道歉和应答 A:I'm sorry.I'm sorry to trouble you. B:It doesn't matter.
It's not important. That's nothing.
7.遗憾和同情 What a pity!I'm sorry to hear that.
8.邀请和应答 A:Would you like to … ? B:Yes, I'd love to.
A:Can I help you?=What can I do for you?Here, take this/my bike.
Let me do it for you.B:Thanks for your help. Yes, please. No, thanks.
That's very kind of you.
10.请求允许 ⑴A:May I...? Can I/Could I...? B:Yes/Certainly/Of course. Yes, do
please. OK/All right. ⑵A:Do you mind if I open the window? B:No, not at all.
或Never mind.
(1):Certainly/Sure/Of course.Yes, please. Yes, I think so. All right/OK.
That's a good idea. I agree with you.
(2):No, I don't think so. I'm afraid not. I really can't agree with you.
12.表示肯定和不肯定 1: I'm sure. I'm sure that... 2: I'm not sure. I'm not sure
whether/if... Maybe.
13.喜欢和厌恶 1: I like /love...(very much) I like /love to... 2: I don't like to...
I hate to ...
14. 问时间、日期的应答 A:What day is it?
B:It's Monday.A:What's the date?B:It's Jan. 10th.
A:What's the time,please? B:It's five o'clock/half past five... It's time to ...
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