有关houses and apartments的情景英语口语100主题



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A: I like this apartment. Do you think we can afford the mortgage?

B: Yes. I think so. It’s not a very expensive apartment. It’s in the right area and it has everything that we are looking for. The rooms are quite large too.

A: I love the balcony. We can sit outside and enjoy the sun in summer. We are on the 12th floor, so there’s very nice view from the balcony.

B: The neighbourhood is nice too. There is a park nearby.

A: Yes, and there are many houses nearby. I like it that the neighbourhood isn’t full of apartment blocks.

B: It’s a pity we can’t afford a house. A garden would be so nice.

A: Yes, it would. Don’t worry. There’s a lawn outside the building and there’s the park nearby. This place will be fine.

B: The building is quite new and well constructed. I’m happy with the fittings too.

A: Yes, everything has been well designed.

【Intermediate】step2: 中级进阶

A: So, tell me about you new house. How is it different to your old one?

B: Well, first of all, it’s much bigger. It has the same number of rooms, but each room is larger. We also have a larger garden, which our dog loves, of course!

A: So, it’s a three-bedroom detached house?

B: Yes. One bedroom is for my wife and I. There’s another for our daughter. My wife wants to use the third one as a guest room, but I’d like to make it into a study. Our daughter is also keen on making it a study, so that’s probably what will happen.

A: What’s the kitchen like? I know both you and your wife like to cook.

B: That’s one of the main reasons we chose that particular house. The kitchen and dining room are together. It’s really large.

A: Are the rooms nice and bright?

B: Yes, they are. That’s very important to us. We like to live in a home with plenty of natural light. Each room has large windows.

A: Do you have a balcony?

B: No, we don’t. We wish we had one. That’s the only thing we wanted, but don’t have. The area is very nice and the neighbours seem friendly.

A: You’re right on the edge of the city, aren’t you? There can’t be much noise or traffic there. Is it easy to get into city centre?

B: It’s a very quiet neighbourhood. There’s some traffic, but not much. It’s not very difficult to get to the city centre, but you must remember to turn left and right at the right places or you’ll get lost. So when are you going to drop by?

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