1. Have you gone to America before?
2. Is there new anything in this talk?
3. Neither Ann nor I are a League member.
4. We are surprise that he lost the game.
5. Most great artists like making own train.
6. Hurry up,and you won’t catch the train.
7. I think this song is most popular of all.
8. Mr Hu got up until ten o’clock yesterday.
9. What a interesting book !Do you like it ?
10. This story is not so longer as that one.
11. It’s a long time since we have met last.
12. What’s wrong with you ?You look unhappily.
13. Mrs Smith found that difficult to study English well.
14. There is little water in the glass, isn’t there ?
15. The boys were playing with fire when he comes in.
16. The traffic accident was happened around the corner last week.
17. Please show we the picture that you drew yesterday.
18. Mr Li wants the students do their homework by themselves.
答案:1. gone→been 2. new anything→anything new 3. are→am 4. surprise→surprised 5. own→their own 6. and→or 7. most→the most 8. got→didn't get或until→at 9. a→an 10. longer→long 11. have met→met 12. unhappily→unhappy 13. that→it 14. isn't→is 15. comes→came 16. was happened→happened 17. we→us 18. do→to do
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