Lesson 41
1. People are much richer than before.
2. People here now live a much better life than before.
3. This small village has become more beautiful than before.
4. The teaching building is the biggest building in our village.
5. The teaching building is the greatest construction in our village.
1. There were no schools in our village.
2. Our little village didn't even have a school.
3. We had no schools in our village in the past.
4. My hometown is a poor village without school.
5. There was not so much as a school in our village.
1. Children have got a place to have lessons.
2. People have built a new school in our village.
3. I haven't been back to my hometown for two years.
4. Great changes have taken place in our village since 1980.
5. The living standard has been greatly improved since 1980.
6. Have you ever heard about the changes happened in our village?
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