1. The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful.
2. We are carrying out this program in order to make our school more beautiful.
3. We are going to carry out this program so as to make our school more beautiful.
4. We're trying to create a more beautiful environment for the students.
5. We aim to create a more beautiful environment for the students.
1. Our school had started on a new program to make the campus more beautiful.
2. Our school is staring a new program to make the campus more beautiful.
3. The program involves planting trees, building a garden, and decorating the campus.
【decorate v. 装饰】
4. The program will be put into action by us planting trees, building a garden, and decorating the campus.
5. It's included in the program that student artwork will decorate the halls of our school.
6. The program calls for a garden to be built for us to visit and relax.
7. In this program, we will set aside a quiet grassy area where we can rest and do some reading.
【set aside: 留出】
8. We will carry out the program by setting aside a quiet grassy area for us to rest and do some reading.
9. According to the program, we will plant different kinds of trees, flowers and grass in and around our school.
1. Welcome to visit our school.
2. If you are free, do come and visit our school.
3. I hope you get the chance to visit our school.
4. You are welcome to visit our school if you have the chance.
5. We would like you to visit our school whenever it is convenient for you.
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