




1. My mother is a nurse.

2. My mother works in a hospital.

3. My mother's job is a nurse.

4. My mother works as a nurse in a hospital.

5. My mother's field is nursing.

6. My mother is / works in the nursing profession.


1. They all say she is a good nurse.

2. All the people consider my mother a good nurse.

3. Everyone agrees that my mother is an excellent nurse.

4. Everyone acknowledges that my mother is a good nurse.

5. Lots of people can't help admiring my mother's devotion to her job.


1. She works hard.

2. She really puts her heart into helping her patients.

3. She does everything she can to ease their suffering.

4. Whenever the patients are in trouble, she is always ready to help them.

5. She is very kind to the patients and always tries her best to serve them.

6. She goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure her patients are OK.

【above and beyond: 大于;多于;远于】

7. She gives her job 110%.

【 "give sth. 110%"是一个英语习惯用语,表示"尽力做某事",这是一种夸张的说法。还可以说"give sth. 100%",但前者用得更多。】



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