Lesson 13
1. At about 9 o'clock last night, I was doing my homework.
2. I was doing some washing when you called me last night.
3. He was listening to the English tape when someone knocked at the door.
4. Mother was preparing for supper when I went back home from school yesterday afternoon.
1. Could you please turn your TV down a bit?
2. Would you please turn your TV down a bit?
3. Do you mind turning down your TV a little bit?
4. Could you possibly turn your TV down a bit?
5. Do you think it would be possible to turn your TV down a bit?
6. I would appreciate it if you could turn your TV down a bit.
【I would appreciate it if…如果……我净很感激。】
1. I'm awfully sorry that I have disturbed you.
2. I'm really sorry to have disturbed you.
3. I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you.
4. I do apologize for disturbing you.
5. A thousand pardons for disturbing you.
6. I can't tell you how sorry I am for disturbing you.
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