


威廉希尔app 为您整理了有关表示"花时间做某事"的句型的初中英语改错翻译,希望和您一起探讨和学习英语!

Lesson 8


1. They spend 25 minutes doing sports every day.

2. The students put 25 minutes into sports activities every day.

3. They put in 25 minutes doing sports every day.

4. 25 minutes is spent on the sports every day.

5. 25 minutes is taken up by sports activities every day.

6. 25 minutes goes into sports every day.


1. I think the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.

2. In my opinion, the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.

3. Personally, I believe the students should get more exercise after class.

4. After reading these charts, I can't help thinking that the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.

5. If you ask me, I think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class.

6. It seems to me that the school should encourage the students to get more exercise after class.

7. I'd just like to say the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class.

8. I'd like to point out that the students should exercise more after class.

9. As far as I'm concerned, the students should do more exercise after class. 【as far as I'm concerned: 就我而言】

10. From my point of view, the school should encourage the students to exercise more after class.

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