1. I want to apply for a post in your company.
2. I would like to work for you as a sales assistant.
3. I'm really interested in the post you advertised in today's newspaper.
4. I'm looking for a job like that kind you offer. Could you please give me a chance?
5. I heard that you were looking for a sales assistant. Do you still have that vacancy?
【vacancy n. 空缺;空职】
6. I wish that I could be so fortunate to have the opportunity to work in your company as a sales assistant.
1. I have got the high school diploma.
2. I majored in accounting in university. 【major v. 主修】
3. I have been learning English for 8 years.
4. I began to study in this high school in 2001.
5. I graduated from Beijing University in 2002.
1. I await your response. 【await v. 等待;等候】
2. I'm waiting for your reply.
3. Hope to hear from you soon.
4. I am eagerly anticipating your reply. 【anticipate v. 预期;期望】
5. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
6. I'm expecting to get your reply in the not too distant future.
7. I would appreciate your prompt reply.
8. An early reply will be appreciated.
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