1. The Children's Center was set up in 1994.
2. The Children's Center opened was built in 1994.
3. The Children's Center opened ten years ago.
4. The Children's Center was founded ten years ago.
1. The Children's Center has had 10 million guests since it opened a decade ago.
2. The Children's Center has received over 10 million visitors from all over the country.
3. 10 million visitors from all over the country have visited the Children's Center since it opened ten years ago.
4. 10 million visitors from all over the country have paid a visit to the Children's Center since it opened ten years ago.
1. The children crowd the park's facilities. 【facilities n. (pl.)设备】
2. The park is full of children on weekends.
3. A great number of children gather at the park every weekend.
4. The children throng the park on Sunday. 【throng v. 群集】
5. Children fill the park to capacity on weekends.
【to capacity: 达最大限度;满负载】
6. The park is jam-packed with children on Sunday.
【jam-packed adj.挤得水泄不通的】
1. The children fill the park with their laughter.
2. The park is always full of children's laughter.
3. The park resonates with the laughter of children.
【resonate v. 回响】
4. The park is always filled with children's laughter.
5. All across the park you can hear the sound of children's laughter.
6. The park is turned into a sea of children's laughter every weekend.
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