1. Pollution has become a serious problem to all the nations of the world.
2. Pollution has become a great risk to our earth.
3. Pollution is a danger to us all.
4. Pollution is a threat to mankind.
5. Pollution has threatened our lives greatly.
6. Pollution has brought great to human beings.
7. Pollution troubles / vexes / irritates us no end.
【vex v. 使烦恼 irritate v. 激怒;使恼恨】
1. Something must be done to tackle the problem.
2. We've got to do something about pollution right away.
3. We must take action now to control pollution.
4. We have to take effective measures to solve this problem.
5. We should adopt some measures to fight against pollution.
6. It's time to take steps to control the increasingly serious pollution.
本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的英语改错翻译句型总结:构成危害的句型,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。
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