1. The Internet is greatly affecting our daily life.
2. The Internet is very important to us nowadays.
3. The Internet has a big impact on our daily life.
4. The Internet is changing the way we live our lives.
5. The Internet is transforming the way we live our lives.
【transform v. 改变;转化】
6. The Internet is playing an important role in people's daily life.
7. The Internet is playing an important part in people's daily life.
1. I will call you once I get there.
2. I keep in touch with my old friends via e-mail.
3. Please write to Mr. White to ask for some advice.
4. You can make telephone calls to me if you miss me.
5. I sent e-mail to my father when he was traveling in London.
1. We can listen to music using our computer.
2. Many people now use the Internet for study.
3. Many students read different kinds of articles via the Internet.
4. We can take advantage of the Internet to learn foreign languages.
【take advantage of: 利用】
5. I can use the Internet to get information about this ever-changing world.
6. Make good use of the Internet, you'll find that you can get a lot of benefits from it.
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