1. Our area is famous as a great producer of coal, oil and gas.
2. Our area is very famous for its coal, oil and gas production.
3. Thanks to its coal, oil and gas production, our area became very famous.
4. It is well known for its coal, oil and gas production.
5. Its reputation for its coal, oil and gas production.
6. We made our name for turning out high quality coal, oil and gas.
【turn out: 生产;制造】
7. Our area enjoys a good reputation for turning out a large quantity of coal, oil and gas.
【enjoy a good reputation for: 因……而享有声誉】
1. The gas production greatly affects the coal and oil production.
2. The coal and oil production are greatly affected by the gas production.
3. The gas production greatly influences the coal and oil production.
4. The gas production has great influence on the coal and oil production.
1. The opening of new oil & gas fields made the three areas of production increase rapidly.
2. The opening of new oil & gas fields led to a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.
3. The opening of new oil & gas fields caused a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.
4. The opening of new oil & gas fields resulted in a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.
5. The opening of new oil & gas fields brought about a rapid increase of the coal, oil and gas production.【bring about: 使发生;引起;致使】
6. The opening of new oil & gas fields contributed quite a lot to the increase of the coal, oil and gas production.
本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语改错翻译句型:因……而出名等的句型,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。
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