1. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Oak Park, lllinois in the year 1899.
2. Ernest Miller Hemingway entered/came into this world in 1899.
3. Ernest Miller Hemingway's mother gave birth to him in 1899.
1. The Old Man and The Sea was his most successful novel.
2. The greatest novel he had published was The Old Man and The Sea.
3. His book, The Old Man and The Sea, turned out to be a great success.
4. His book, The Old Man and The Sea, won him the Pulitzer Prize.
5. For the book, The Old Man and The Sea, he won the Pulitzer Prize.
6. Thanks to the book, The Old Man The Sea, he received the Pulitzer Prize.
7. His book, The Old Man and The Sea, made a great stir with the public after it was published.
【make a stir: 引起轰动】
1. He shot himself in 1961
2. He took his own life with a gun in 1961.
3. He killed himself with a gun in 1961.
4. His death, by his own hand, in 1961, was truly a sad event.
5. He committed suicide with a gun in 1961.
6. He blew himself away in 1961.
【blow away: 用枪射杀】
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