1. I want a day off.
2. I am writing to ask you for sick leave.
3. She had a day off because she'd got a bad cold.
4. I have to take a day off because of the serious headache.
5. He requested a leave of absence.
6. He was out sick for a day.
1. I had a bad cold.
2. I had a headache / stomachache / backache / sore throat yesterday. 【sore throat: 喉咙痛】
3. I had got a high fever.
4. I feel a pain in my leg.
5. There is a serious pain in my back.
6. That night I had a bad attack of diarrhea. 【diarrhea n. 痢疾;腹泻】
1. The doctor asked me to stay in bed for three days.
2. The doctor told me to take this medicine three times a day.
3. The doctor prescribed medicine and told me not to take it with alcohol.
【prescribe v. 开处方;开药】
4. The doctor advised me to stay in bed.
5. The doctor suggested drinking more water.
6. The doctor's orders were plenty of exercise and Vitamin C.
7. The doctor recommended that I rest.
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