1. I'm worried about the effects of television, especially on our children.
2. I'm worrying that the TV has more and more impact on our children.
3. It's a worry to me that the TV has more and more impacts on our children.
4. I'm very concerned that TV has influenced our children greatly.
5. I feel great concern for the effects of television, especially on our children.
6. I am disturbed by the effects of television, especially on our children.
7. The effects of television on our children disquiet me a great deal.
【disquiet v. 使不安;使忧虑】
1. Many children copy what they see on TV.
2. Many children learn from the bad examples shown on TV.
3. After watching the TV programs, many children follow suit.
【follow suit: 照别人的方式去做;学样(尤俯拾皆是坏的方面)】
4. Many children are in thrall to what they see on TV.
【in thrall to: 受……控制;深受……影响】
5. Many children are enthralled by what they see on TV.
【enthrall v. 迷惑;迷住;奴役】
1. The advertisements make the children want things they don't need.
2. The advertisements attract the children to ask for things they don't need.
3. The advertisements tempt the children to ask for things they don't need.
【tempt v. 引诱;诱惑】
4. The advertisements allure the children to ask for things they don't need.
【allure v. 吸引;诱惑】
5. The advertisements stimulate the children to ask for things they don't need.
【stimulate v. 刺激;激动】
6. The advertisements propel the children to ask for things they don't need.
【propel v. 鼓励;驱使】
1. Many children have to wear glasses, and I believe it is because of the long hours they spend watching TV.
2. The long hours the children spend watching TV cause many of them to wear glasses.
3. The long hours the children spend watching TV result in many of them having to wear glasses.
4. The long hours the children spend watching TV lead to the fact that many of them having to wear glasses.
5. Many children end up having to wear glasses due to the long hours they spend watching TV.
【end up doing: 结果是……】
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