1. Among the subjects I studied in school were Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.
2. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.
3. I studied many different subjects at school including Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.
4. There are many subjects I studied at school, such as Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers.
5. I studied lots of different stuff in school, including, but not limited to, Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and computers. 【非常正式】
1. I like English and computers best, and I am very good at them.
2. I like English best, and I always got high grades on the English exams.
3. My strengths lie in English and computers.
【strength n. 力量;长处;优点】
4. My best subjects were English and computers.
5. I did very well in English and computer classes.
6. English and computers are my areas of expertise.
【expertise n. 专门知识;专门技能】
7. I'd say I am quite proficient at English and computers.
【proficient adj. 熟练的;精通的】
1. I like / love playing guitar best.
2. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.
3. I'm interested in collecting stamps.
4. I'm really fond of skating in winter.
5. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.
6. I adore listening to popular music.
7. I'm crazy about sports.
8. I find great pleasure in listening to pop music.
9. I like nothing better than swimming.
威廉希尔app 为大家整理的英语改错翻译中表示学习课程特长爱好的句型就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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