1. The Student Union has decided to organize a music week.
2. The Student Union will hold a music week.
3. A music week will be held by the Student Union.
4. We will have a music week held by the Student Union.
5. There will be a music week held by the Student Union.
1. The activities will include singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music.
2. Among the activities there will be pop singing and classical & folk performances.
3. Singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music will be just some of the activities offered.
4. There will be many kinds of activities including singing pop songs and playing classical & folk music.
5. We will have abundant activities during the music week, such as dinging pop songs and playing classical & folk music.
【abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的】
1. If you would like to join us, please tell us before April 20th.
2. If you'd like to take part in the music week, please let us know before April 20th.
3. Those who are interested, please make sure you are on our list by April 20th.
4. If interested, please come and sign up for it before April 20th.
5. All wishing to participate please register before April 20th.
【register v. 登记;注册】
6. April 20th is the deadline to sign up.
【sign up: 签字应征;报名参加】
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