1. The ticket for entering the park is 50 RMB.
2. It will cost you 50 yuan to enter that park.
3. It used to be free to enter the park.
4. They believe a public park should be free of charge.
5. An entrance fee will be charged for the park from next month.
1. The bill for the dinner is 120 yuan.
2. The tuition for this semester is 1500 yuan.
3. He was fined 200 RMB for violation of traffic regulation.
【fine v. 罚款 violation n. 违反(法律等);违背 regulation n. 规则;法令】
1. In their opinions, the fees should be low.
2. They think that the fees should be low.
3. They believe that the fees should be low.
4. They are convinced that the fees should be low.
5. They suggest that the fees should be low.
1. It will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will make the city less attractive.
2. It will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.
3. It is certainly harmful to the appearance of a city if everyone litters wherever they like.
【litter v.乱丢垃圾】
4. It is not good for the appearance of a city to have such a lake full of rubbish.
5. The city's appearance will suffer from the increase in pollution.
6. Some factories pour wastewater into the river, which will diminish the beauty of a city.
【diminish v.(使)减少;(使)变小】
7. It really takes away from the beauty of a city to have such filth everywhere.
【take away from: 减损 filth n. 垃圾;污物】
威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中英语改错翻译句型:表示“收费/免费”影响(城市形象)就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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