英语基础知识的积累对大家英语学习能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多加练习。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语改错翻译句型:到某地度假的句型,欢迎大家阅读。
Lesson 16
1. I will spend this summer holiday / vacation in the countryside.
2. I'm going to the countryside during the summer vacation.
3. I will go to the countryside for vacation this summer.
1. There are still some shortcomings to living in the urban area.
2. There are still some disadvantages to living in the city.
3. There are still some problems to living in the urban area.
4. Life in an urban center brings its own set of problems.
5. Life in the city is far from perfect.
6. Urban life has it's downside. 【downside n. 不利方面】
7. Life for city-dwellers is not all peaches and cream.
【超级地道美语】【peach and cream: 受人喜欢的东西(俚)】
威廉希尔app 为大家整理的英语改错翻译句型:到某地度假的句型就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。
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