


at first 起先

at last 最后

at noon 在中午

at once 立即

at one's workplace 在工地

at school 在学校

at the (third) crossing 在第三个路口

at the back/front of the classroom 在教室的前/后头

at the beginning of 在...伊始

at the cinema 在电影院

at the end of 在...结束时

at the foot of 在...(山)脚下

at the head of the queue(the first of queue) 在队伍的前头

at the moment 在此刻

at the same time 与时同时

at the side of road 在路旁

at this time of year 在一年中的这时候

at times 不时

at work 在上班

Bad Luck! 倒霉

be (a little) weak in ... 在...差/弱

be angry with 对...生气

be badly hurt 受重伤

be covered by /with 由...覆盖

be good at boating 擅长划船

be good or bad for (one's health) 对...有利/害

be in trouble 处在困境,有麻烦

be late for ...迟到

be made of 由...制作

be neck and neck 与...齐头并进

be open/closed at this time of day 一天中的这时候开/关着

be terribly ill 生重病

be the right size 尺寸合适

be used for = used as 被用来做

be widely used 得到广泛运用

be worn out 被穿破, 累坏了

be/feel worried about 对...担心

become/be/feel interested in 对...感兴趣

before the sun rose = before it was light 在日出前

Best wishes (for...)! 谨祝...

Better late than never. 亡羊补牢(犹未迟)

break down (机器/车...)出故障

business hours 营业时间

by the end of 到...结束时

by the way 顺便说说

by then 到那时

call me Jim for short 简称我为Jim


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